
to whom it may concern...

dear person,
i don't know who will read this or who this is to. but whoever you are, i believe i love you. i believe somewhere deep inside i can change a part of the world, whether small or not. i also believe somewhere i can be the person i know i am. i know problems will always exist, but the dwelling upon them doesn't have to exist. tears will fall down and we will feel so broken at times. but we have to remember this everlasting cycle to get to being happy. sadness makes us appreciate happiness. and happiness lasts so much longer. even though it may seem sadness takes over the good, it really doesn't. look how much you smile compared to how much you frown or feel sadness. chances are, you smile more than you think. and we have those memories that can never be taken away. anonymous person, i would like you to know that i'm not the person who will let you down. i know how it feels. i've been broken. but now i realize the significance of life, and am so happy to be alive. i'm enjoying life more and more, learning each step of the way. i've learned to look past the negativity, because if you look at life with a quick glance you'll see it's not worth it...


p.s. tear this letter up. i'd rather you keep me in your heart and mind forever than somewhere deep inside a drawer.

"I hope you don't mind, but I shared your blog with a friend of mine..he is a huge activist, and I imagine a lot like you will be when you are older...he was blown away by you!!! You are so young, yet have so much insight...a true diamond in the rough..only, never let life make you too smooth, so to speak...you always need a few rough edges...a good guard against life's hardships...you amaze me..and the fact that you amazed him..I'm awestruck!!"



this is the correlation of salvation & love,

it's really late, and i've already written today. which is why i'm confused as to why i feel this strong urge to write.

i have a few more quotes to share from "the perks of being a wallflower" which have changed me in a small way.

-i just hope i remember to tell my kids that they are as happy as i look in my old photographs and i hope that they believe me
-i hope he can listen to it whenever he drives alone and feel like he belongs to something whenever he's sad
-it's kind of like when you look at yourself in the mirror and you say your name. and it gets to the point where none of it seems real. well sometimes, i can do that, but i don't need an hour in front of a mirror. it happens very fast, and things start to slip away. and i just open my eyes, and i see nothing. and then i start to breathe really hard trying to see something but can't. it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it scares me.

that last one, i've never felt like i could relate more. i've actually never even considered someone else felt the exact same way, and described it so perfectly.

all of these words are auspicious, to say the least.

i feel as if i'm almost a different person today. and i know you probably think i'm exaggerating, but i'm not.

i finally, finally...feel the point of life. i see everything in such a black and white way, and i love it. i feel so infinite. i see the positivity and feel the possibilities. i wish i could describe this feeling in a better way, but i can't. and i'm sorry if you haven't experienced this feeling before. but i believe you will. and if you have, i'm happy that you see life this way. it makes everything better.

in·fi·nite   /ˈɪnfənɪt/   –adjective
1.immeasurably great
2.indefinitely or exceedingly great
3.unlimited or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration of time, etc.: the infinite nature of outer space.
4.unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless: God's infinite mercy.