
portraits of us fall down,

I'd give anything I have to see you smile.
Just to close my eyes, to feel the wind in my hair. To think about the oceans, the amazing places and people out there. The man who gives his last dollar gives me hope. It shows me there are good people out there. The person who puts a smile on someone's face even though they're crying inside...that person gives me hope. Photography and hugs, and raindrops...it all holds hope.
Some people completely misread me. I'm not the person you think I am, I guarantee it. I'm a deep person, a simple person, yet so hard to completely figure it out. I care about people in general. I have huge dreams I will do anything to follow. I'm not dramatic, or caught up in the problems in life. I let it go. I'm carefree to a point. I try to not let things bother me. It's not worth it. And that's all been a progress in time. It took me a long time to figure out what I was missing was being happy. And not holding back... for the first time in my life I know what I want, who I am, and what I'm doing. Sure, I'm going to make PLENTY of mistakes, and I have SO much to learn, but I'm just happy I've gotten to this point.
If you feel like you've had enough, if you feel like your life is going nowhere....please remember to ask God to do wonderful things in your life. Ask Him to give you opportunities and to allow you to see the good things in every situation.
It's not cool to lie to me. It's not cool to avoid me, or ignore me in any way. Don't do that. Don't tell me one thing, and do another.
I promise I'll never be that person. I have a lot of love to give.


i wanna be where you are.

it seems time goes by so fast,
i'm figuring things out.
i realized i need to be the mature person i am on the inside...
things come out wrong sometimes.
i'm trying to change things.
i'm trying to look past it all...
i want to close my eyes.
this is all too much. i can't be the same person always.
i eventually will be more than i am now.
i see things differently than you do.

today was far too ordinary.
give me something to smile about.

making that moment last,

It seems I need anyone right now, yet the more I long for someone to be here for me, the further everyone seems. Today, I started feeling this weird feeling and I can't get out of it. I have been thinking a lot about life in general. I've been seeing people around me in pain, and it's making me feel their energy.

I've found life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. I'm fully convinced of this.

"When we focus on what we see, we lose sight of what we feel. When we focus on what we hear, we lose sight of our thoughts. And when we focus on what's going on around us, we forget our dreams. Sometimes all we need is ourselves."

Sometimes I just breathe, and I think about how all the small things don't matter. I realiz
I'm beyond astonished with this world. I'm happy people come to me for advice, it shows a lot to me. That they trust me and I can help them in some sort of way. But when will the favor be returned? I don't have all the answers. Sure, I've been through a lot of situations and I understand a lot of things, but I don't know soo, so much. I'm helpless at times. I find comfort in what people can't explain. I find myself lost in words, lost in photographs. I see myself in a reflection and I see more than a reflection, I see a deep person and I see a life filled with memories. Looking back on my past, I feel lucky. I could sit here listening to acoustic music and reminisce on all of my memories, and words truly fail to explain... truly.

I never thought the feelings I have now exist. And it's a good thing. It proves I'm ALIVE.
I have lungs and the capacity to carry on no matter what. The clouds I see, no problem can compare to the beauty I see. The country sky, the raindrops on my face. Nothing can hurt me in the longrun. Nothing matters but living life to its fullest. It makes problems non-existent< It makes me want to do whatever my heart desires and not holding back at all.

I know something is out there. I KNOW with all of my heart this life isn't for nothing. I know God is out there as much as I EVER have. I feel his presence, I know he's there more than I know I'm typing on this computer. All of this is not possible without Him. The fact that I'm living, I'm breathing, I'm elements put together, and I'm THINKING, that's enough to completely amaze and confuse me. It's all a divine chaos.

Let's run away. Forget where we came from. Just run, never look back. To a place that will accept us with open arms..
Life is hard, I know. It's really complicated. Yet so simple. Single-handedly, it's all about the mindset you have.

I can't watch anyone else linger away from myself...

I may be different, and you may look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about, but you don't see what I see. You can't appreciate the wind simply blowing like I can. You don't see that life isn't so bad. You don't feel the same feelings I feel by being alive. It's enough just to feel the wind blow through my hair. To know I appreciate my life. I don't see the negativity anymore. I just see contentment.

love. ♥


we escape from the windows, never look back,

F.F. (fun fact): This above picture is my background on my laptop!
I love it. It reminds me I have a whole life before me. I have opportunities lurking around every corner. It reminds me of the beauty in the world we sometimes miss. Yes, I got all of that from a simple picture. That's where inspiration comes into play!

Well, even though things have been a bit rocky, I've found my ground. I've found a way to be happy today, overall. Even though I do sort of wish things were different.

Currently listening to: Break out, break out (acoustic) by All Time Low

I was told today, maybe in different words, "you seem like a girl who has her head on straight, who knows what she wants, and who knows everything about life. You seem like the kind of girl that doesn't let things get to her." by an adult in my school that I have a lot of respect for now. Not just because she said that. I am so glad to hear that, I love to be understood. I said, "Well, I'm sure there's a lot I don't know." And there is. I have a lot of things figured out. I don't let things bother me for the most part. Sometimes I can't help it, but generally I am optimistic and look past the negativity. It improves your life so much.

I don't want to see anyone drift away from me. It's like I'm on an island, where we were once so perfectly happy together. And this person is leaving slowly on a boat, just floating away. There's nothing I can do to pull it back, all I can do is watch it float away and wish it would sail back to where it used to be.
I like change. Yeah. But when things are going so well,and then all of the sudden it stops...it leaves me to wonder. Questioning things. Contemplation is the highest form of activity, that's true.

This past weekend was fun. It was swell.
Saturday is my road test date. Yayyyy.

i've been in situations where i care way too much. i wish i didn't because it causes more heartbreak than anything...i am realizing i don't care what people think of me anymore. i do what i want without caring if they are judging me. i'm living for myself and for god. that's all that matters. i can truly say now, i'm content with where i am. i can say that things are changing, i'm changing. i'm learning what love really entails, and life is different than i originally thought. it's all about your mindset.

love ♥


it's the choices that makes us who we are.

"I'll stay with you forever just as long as you love me too, just as long as you love me. It's the way that you talk and the way that you smile. And the way that you love black and white. Maybe it's the way that you hold my hand in the car. And the way that we ly in the sand. It's not that hard to see that a single day without you could make me go crazy. Takes my breath away, gives me butterflies when you hold me when you sleep. When you hold me in your sleep. I never want to leave."
There are two ways to live life:
1. Live in the past, think about how things could have been different, contemplate on your mistakes,
2. Love the moment, think about how many amazing memories will be created, focus on how you can change your life for the better.
Currently listening to: dream at a tempo, by silversun pickups
Current mood: worried.
I want to lay outside and watch the stars. Lately the stars haven't been clear or evident in these cloudy skies, which is why I'm getting sick of winter. summer nights, that's what i live for.
you know what else i live for? jesus christ. he diedfor me, the least i could do is live for him.
I need to figure things out in my life, well other peoples lives more than mine...I feel it's my responsibility to help them, to mold them to who they were before. They said they need my help in other words, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I can't let them fall. I have too much love to give.
lights at night, light breeze carrying the smell of fire, quarter past 3, the leaves are dancing, and shadows pass quickly. i'm here, waiting...where are you when the night is calapsing down on me? walking the sidewalks without your hand in mine. how will i ever find my way without your spirit? i never realized what i was feeling didn't exist. the movement was nothing at all. nothing but memories and photographs slowly disappearing...


this night we've came to claim ours,

I don't like seeing people slip away from me.
I saw the lovely bones last night. It had so many life lessons involved. It gave me the weirdest feeling... The small problems in life don't add up to the moments of pleasure you will experience. Sometimes you have to accept bad things that happen even though it may be hard to move on. People in your life come and go but you will always have the ones who matter. Life goes on, truly.
Will my world still be lit up when you're gone?

I'm the advice-giving kind of person. When it's asked for. I love to be responsible for someone being happy or helping someone. I like when people can come to me and really talk to me, because I think I have good views on things. I think I can really help people with certain things. I'm mature in that aspect. I see the big picture, and I think I'm very understanding of how people feel. Maybe this will come in handy in my future career. :)
Sometimes all I want is myself and for people to understand that person.
All I know is I still believe. I still believe in life, in love, and in staying true to myself and what I want.
I've definitely learned there is a difference between the people I care about and the people I love. It's not a thin line, there is a world of difference. I care for many, but the people I really love, I see such a difference in how I see them and how I feel for them. Never knew it was so different than what I see now.
Everything passes, sometimes too slowly, sometimes too quickly, but always...it's exactly how it's supposed to be.