--> yes. it's true.
this picture is sort of random, but i like it. i see beauty in things that is hard to see, or different than what some see i guess.
i called a couple of piercing places a little bit ago, and they didn't answer. i want to get my nose pierced so badly.
i've been thinking about life in general a lot lately. i'm mesmerized by it. and death. it's such a strange concept to grasp. i'm not afraid of dying. i'm afraid of having my loved ones gone a little bit though. not horribly. i try not to think about it too much. my mind kind of blocks that thought. i know i will see all of my family and friends someday, we will all be reunited after this lifetime.
i'm kind of confused by my emotions, because i can't really tell how i'm feeling and it is frustrating me. perhaps i'm feeling too many emotions at once. maybe.
currently listening to: fuzzy blue lights -owl city
this song is exactly how i'm feeling right now, and it's a cool feeling to be recognized in some sort of way.
i want the snow to melt, so i can see the grass again. and i just want it to rain. rain for as long as it can. and feel the warm air. i'm excited for spring.
"everywhere i look, i see green
all those oceanic vistas are so divine."
things that make me happy:
-hearing a loved one laugh as hard as they can (it's contagious)
-art galleries
-piano music
i'm kind of a freak in a lot of ways. well, i'm different than a lot of people. but i like who i am.
i meditated last night. it's amazing because you never feel so relaxed. your body has zero tension, you almost feel as if you're floating. it's serenity that i love. and sometimes, you feel closely connected with god. this might sound weird to those who have never felt like this. but it's a feeling of being infinite.
sometimes i like to cry. one of those feelings you get out of nowhere. where you're just thinking about all of the good and bad things, everything in between, life moments, and everything just seems to hold beauty. it's not like i had a reason to cry last night, it just came out. i was holding onto memories, and it just felt right.
i'm not a huge emotional person, but sometimes i feel like i have no reason to feel the way i am. after i cried, i felt so much better.
i remember when i was like 10, i couldn't wait to be a teenager. now, it's here. and it feels so much different. i'm tired of being 16. 4 more months approximately. sometimes i feel so much older. and sometimes i feel like i should still be 12. time is a weird thing. though it's really nothing, if we're getting into deeper thoughts here.
this post is long, and a bunch of random thoughts. i'm sorry if you don't understand half the things i write. i probably wouldn't if i weren't this person. i have passive thoughts, and i think deeply about everything. i'm not the best at describing things either, although i don't think i'm terrible at it.
i'm listening to piano music. nothing like this relaxes me. i can listen to a song i really like over and over and over again.
i miss people. alone time is over for me. i need it sometimes. i miss talking to certain people. i miss spending time with people i haven't seen. i miss their company and their laughs. how i miss iit.
i really love the ocean. the sand, the waves. the coral and fish. i'm actually kind of afraid of fish. i need to get over that because i plan on going scubadiving someday...
Tomorrow is the last day of christmas break. eh. i feels so unprepared, like i need a couple more days to get ready for what i know is coming. i have to think about it in a good way. i feel so different, like i've grown a lot. and actually, grown up a lot. so school should be better. though, it's never been bad at all. content. i miss people.
doo da doo, life is good:)
remember to live your life with love, meaning, and purpose. everyone has some sort of "calling" or reason they are put on this earth. i don't know what mine is, but i wish i could find out somehow. god is here to listen, to help, to heal. i wish everyone on this earth knew that.
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