
one last night at the lonely wheel.

-I'm the kind of person who thinks there are many forms of art, some which others would never consider art or beauty.

Yes, the snow is here, and the wind is active... I guess it's not all that bad. Winter, I don't hate you. I am on my way to loving you, actually.

Some things are getting better.

All that I'm after is a life of laughter, a life of beauty and endless possibilities. Wow, I guess as I'm writing what I want I'm starting to see that it really is reachable.
Life is so parishable; everything in it. If you think about it, nothing lasts forever but our souls, so what should be most important?

I think people who talk about their dreams are beautiful. I think the people who make others happy make themselves happy essentially.

Silhouette Pictures, Images and Photos

People are so quick to see my insecurities, my weaknesses... I wish they could look past my flaws, and see the person I really am. That's partly my fault, because I guess I do have a hard time showing my true self sometimes. It's just difficult to trust people, hard to put everything out there and have the fear of them not caring.

palm silhouette Pictures, Images and Photos

If you're sick of worrying, of living the life you don't want...ask God for complete bliss through him. Right now. He's waiting. I promise.




I guess things are changing. It seems like things are changing so fastly, like if I blink I'll miss something desperately important. Yet so slow, like I just can't wait for things to change.

I want to live in North Carolina someday.
I don't believe you can ever dream too big, and this dream...is just something waiting to happen.
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I believe good comes out of everything eventually.
Sometimes I do feel like things are so hard to overcome. Like the ocean waves are slowly pulling me under. And I'm too strong to drown. I promise. I am.

I am a fan of philosophy and things like that. And I've learned a lot lately. Below is some thoughts I'm trying to bring into my life. I hope you can take something away from it too.

Excuses are the one thing that hold you back the most. (It's going to take too long, I can't do it...etc.)
Well, anything's possible with your effort through GOD!
Set your mind to a new way of thinking about things.
This doesn't mean pain is going to go away immediately. It means positivity will find a way into your life.
You have to start saying, "I can handle this. The solution will find its way to me."
All excuses are misalignments.

Contemplation: the highest form of activity. -Arestotle.
Meaning...what you think isn't just a random thought that pops in your head for no reason. It's not a passive idea or thought.
What you think, you are putting into action. Thoughts are like things that begin materialization.
If you contemplate thoughts that match the original spirit (God), you have the same power as that source.

You CAN allow your FALSE-SELF to be defeated.

Practice contemplation which you intend to manifest.
Then detach from it, and let it go.

How willing are you to attract in your life what you want?
WILLINGNESS means surrendering, letting go, and letting GOD!

"Arrange whatever pieces come your way."

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Just one person. To take my endless thoughts away...to smile...and mean every word they say. Just one person. Just one. That will tell me they appreciate me for who I am. One. Who will support every turn I take. Who will call me when they have a feeling I'm not okay. Who will laugh at the things that aren't really funny. Who will tell me nothing I could say or do will every change their mind about me.

Please...tell me I deserve that. Just one person. A friend. Not just any friend, like the many I have now...but a true, a real, a forever friend. Make your way to me.