One day at a time; that's what I'm trying to do. It gets so easy sometimes, life I mean. But it also gets sooo hard.
I was thinking last night, as I layed restlessly...thoughts that you only could think when you're real sleepy. Things that don't exist but are so easy to imagine. Lightning bugs danced around me, field weeds swayed back and forth; and for a moment, I wasn't in my bed. I was lying on a pond in the middle of a forest, with nothing but the cool breeze to disturb me.
If I could make myself believe anything, I'd make myself believe that magical places actually exist. However, I don't believe you can force yourself to believe anything. Don't you miss that sweet innocence of being a small child, with the world at your fingertips...with anything possible in your mind? Don't you miss that feeling of fairy tales?
We're reminded daily of the REALITY of our world, but we should stop and just DREAM.
A very wise person once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
I've been dying to leave this place,
with the small thin grin on my face.
We danced around our dreams,
Watched flowers grow from seeds.
These bombs somehow knew exactly when to go off,
And that's when we knew all the ways we lost.
From our fingertips, our lives will touch
your fingertips, and with your hand in mine,
our lives will know just when to clutch.
A simple raindrop falling from the sky,
A simple word that means goodbye.
From the grass that grows
and the wind that blows,
This is how we'll know
how exactly life goes.
i wrote this with inspiration in mind, for whoever/whatever has inspired me in this life, thank you, because of you...i'll never be the same.
things will be better soon!
How, oh how, could i be so many emotions at one time? i'm still learning who i am. Yes, i'm sure what i stand for and i know what i love. but i don't know the world yet. and i certainly don't know everything about myself.

[Second post today. Scroll down, read the one below for me.]
We often forget how truly beautiful humans are. Me? I believe everyone has good in them. Really, it's possible. Please remember to enjoy simply the treasures you have today.

Things you might not know about me:
-I sometimes do a double take when I see an old beaten down truck. It gives me a feeling of vulnerability. It shows character, and a story.
-I never see someone who I absolutely know I wouldn't like. I think it's okay to give everyone a chance. Even if not everyone is going to like me.
-I get insecure sometimes, like most.
-When something upsets me a lot, I obsess over fixing it, or finding a way to get through. (It gets annoying).
-I'm a little OCD.
-I'm not organized at all. Although I hate when things are messy, I can't stand it.
-I want to start an organization for people who have hardly anything...don't know all the details yet. But I do know I want to help people in any way I can.
-I sometimes find myself watching South Park and laughing so hard...then I, I still can be happy when I'm sad.
-Photography makes a lot of things a lot better.
-I have learned more this year than I have my whole life.
-I only tell people about 60% of things, I am actually a private person.
-I love having deep conversations, where the subject actually matters.
-I still believe in that fairy tale ending.
-I hate seeing people go, when you know you won't see them for a while. Even when I meet strangers who I get to know; I hate having to know I'll never see them again. People mean a lot to me.
-I love Jesus, and I often pray for weird things, like "Jesus, will you help me find my shoes?" Okay, I shouldn't say that's weird. But let me just say, I lose a lot of things.
Lovely night. As much as I can say things aren't looking good right now...I can also say, things will be better soon...
I despise saying this, essentially because I like to be optimistic, but I have been struggling a little bit lately. I don't even know. I wish I could explain in full detail. But just know, a lot has been going on... Starting with people who try to cause me pain, or at least don't seem to care that they are. Sometimes I honestly feel as though things won't get better. But then, I'm reminded they have to eventually. Things are always going to affect me in some way, maybe in ways I'll never ever comprehend. To you, reader, I want you to know... I love you.
This entry may be long, I have a lot to say...
I love inspiration.
I was extremely inspired by a man who was preaching on TV and I would love to share what I learned:
Don't let how someone has treated you or raised you affect your life.
When someone's pulling you down, shake it off--God is fighting your battles. Don't let it steal your joy.
When people try to harm you, God will cause it to backfire and you will be even better off than you were before.
No matter how you were raised, your blessing will be fulfilled.
It won't slow you down, but accelerate you.
It doesn't matter if anyone tries to make you feel small, there's no need to be intimidated.
Nothing they can say or do will affect your blessing.
People will do anything to keep you down so they can outshine you. Leave it up to God and He will fight your battle for you. Your time is coming.
If you've had a lot of negative things come your way, don't let your HEREDITY affect your DESTINY.
You may have been in unfair situations but don't be worried. Healing is on it's way and THE BLESSINGS ALWAYS OVERRISE THE CURSES. YOU CANNOT CURSE WHAT'S ALREADY BEEN BLESSED.
stars, where are you? are you hiding beneath my breath? or are you so completely infinite that you can't bear to show your light?
-i'm not exactly sure where that came from ^
-i'm not even sure it makes sense.
-does it have to?
-only to me.
-and truthfully...
-nothing really makes sense to me anymore.
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