It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here.
That makes me sad.
Another Sunday. I'm not a huge fan of Sunday's. Better than Monday's though.
This weekend was SO refreshing for me. I did everything I would have wanted to. Not that it was a super exciting two days. No. It was just
right.I feel for once, so ready, so accomplished. I can't believe after so long I feel a bit relaxed and prepared. Just for everything.
I've been thinking about a lot. Things that a lot of people never think about. Just about the world, about life. Things that are too deep for me to explain also. Seriously, I am just really thankful for my life. I have so many up's and down's. Sometimes it feels like there's more down's than up's. But you know what?
Because everything I've gone through makes me the person I am today. And I really am proud of who I've become.
My friend told me something the other day. She said, "Corbin, you're the most honest person I've ever met. You never give into peer pressure."
You know how awesome it is hearing that?
Although I wanted, "thank you so much!" to come out, I ended up saying "Well, I try." It made me happy hearing that. You know, someone actually acknowledging my strengths and something I work so hard on being.
I really do try to be an honest, true person. I try letting everyone know that I will always be there for them. Everyone needs someone like that.
I told a different friend "if you ever need anything, anytime, anywhere, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll always to a true friend to you."
You know what she said? "Thanks corbin, that means so much. It made my day."
That is just so awesome to hear.
This song below, I did not write. It's a linkin park song & it's about struggles & God & I'd love for you to read it. I love it. It's really relatable.
So much stress keeps running through my mind nowI fell into a mess that I wish that I could climb outI guess I'll hide it so nobody will find out that way Everyone thinks that everything is fine nowat home things are messed up with mom and dadand at school all my friends stab me in the backno one is real anymore I hate the way they actthere is so many things that I wish I hadso God if you're there do you understand?don't you care about anything that's happening?it's not fair to put me through all this junk againyou see that I'm scared so help me if you canso please speak loud and clear cuz I'm listeningI need to know that you're real cuz I'm strugglingyou need to show that you're here cuz I'm stumblingshow me that you care and this is why I'm saying thisIt goes on to talk about how he gave his life to God.
I love you all.