goodbye 2009.
Stayed single almost the whole year? YES.
Were involved in something you'll never forget? MANY.
Tripped over a coffee table? HAHA, PROBABLY.
Came close to losing your life? I DON'T THINK SOO.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? NO, I WISH.
2009: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? YEP (:
Did you hate anyone? YES.
2009: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? YEAH!
Did you get any presents? I DID.
2009: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? YEAH, IN A LOT OF WAYS.
Did you change your style? I DON'T KNOW.
Were you in school? YEPPERS.
Did you get good grades? EEEK, NOT REALLY.
Did you drive? SURE DID.
Did you own a car? YES.
Did anyone close to you give birth? NO.
Did you go on any vacations? NOT REALLY. :(
Would you change anything about yourself now? NO WAY.
2009: Wrap UP:
Was 2009 a good year? OVERALL (:
Do you think 2010 will top 2009? YEAH, I HOPE SO.
Had your heart broken? NOPE.
Painted a picture? DON'T THINK SO.
Wrote a poem? YEAH.
Ran a mile? HECK NOO!
Visited a foreign country? NOPE.
Cut in a line of waiting people? HA, MOST LIKELY.
Told someone you were busy when you weren't? YEAH.
Cooked a disastrous meal? NOT REALLY.
Lied about how old you were? I DON'T THINK?
IN 2009 I....
Broke a promise? YES.
Lied? YES.
Disappointed someone close? PROBABLY. :(
Hid a secret? YES.
Pretended to be happy? YAHHH.
Slept under the stars? NOT NECCESSARILY.
Met someone who changed your life? MANY.
Changed your outlook on life? SOOO MUCH.
Sat home all day doing nothing? YEAH, I HATE THAT.
Lost something expensive? NOPE.
Learned something new about yourself? MANY THINGS.
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? YEAH.
Made a change in your life? MANY.
Found out who your true friends were? YES!
Met great people? YEAH :)
Stayed up til sunrise? I HAVE.
Cried over the silliest thing? HA, A FEW TIMES.
Had friends who were drifting away from you? OH YES.
Spent most of your money on food? A LOT OF IT, AHA.
Gotten sick? MHM.
Liked more than 5 people at the same time? NOPE.
Became closer with a lot of people? YES!
If one more person ignores me, it's not going to go well...
I feel so defeated. & I don't feel like this often. I'm in one of those moods where I don't want to talk to anyone. I just wish people could feel the same pain they cause me. Just one time, so they would know. Although, I would never intentionally give that pain to them.
Well, I'm not going to give in anymore. I'm not going to be the first to apologize for nothing. I'm not going to try to make things better, when I'm not getting the same kind of effort in return. It gets old. I just can't let it go.
These times are like no other.
-Chase your dreams and never let them go.
Just for one moment unlike the rest,
we can say we tried our best
the blue sky, the sunrise
it's all the space in between,
As we leave behind this tragic scene.
I Reccomend:
Making april- i wrote this song
the early november- decoration
copeland- brightest
racing kites- oceans
you me and everyone we know- carolina heat
here among wolves- the sea gave up
But then again, I have a different sense of music than you probably have. It's simple music. If you're looking for something acoustic, and more relaxing, try listening to making april (i wrote this song), copeland (brightest), and carolina heat.
If you're looking for a punk flare, try the early november.
Something uplifting, try racing kites.
Something hardcore, here among wolves.
Give them a listen. Let me know what you think.
we have the capacity to carry on.
Corbin says...
Life is never just simple. Things go wrong so we can appreciate them when they're right.
"People are people, and sometimes we change our minds." Time passes, and even though we may struggle, there are always, always, ways to overcome anything. You just have to have to determination to prove everyone wrong and to stop doubting yourself.
When you feel like you can't breathe, remember we have lungs and the capacity to carry on.
When you feel like you can't take it anymore, remember we have hearts that don't stop beating until it's ready to stop...
I had an okay christmas. I spent time with family, and got some things I wanted too... ;)
I feel a little bit distracted from what I should be focused on...I don't even know exactly what I should be focused on...living life to its fullest, I suppose.
I keep contemplating, and it's not easy for me not to.
I don't like knowing people are drifting away from me...it's hard. When I love someone, I really love someone, and I don't want them to go away from me. It's a fear that I have. And when it happens, it hurts me a lot. Are my expectations for people too high? The good thing is, even though I've lost people, and people are drifting away from me...I've gained people and am moving closer to some.
I need to have fun. I can't keep sitting here, I'm going to explode.
I know one thing; God loves you. & so does Corbin.
the voices of life...
I have said this before, and in my previous post, and I will say it again; I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how this could be.
Please never take for granted the ability to laugh, to cry, to hug someone dear. Death is simply not an option in my life before I've had an opportunity to prove myself. Literal death, or metaphorical death. I refuse to be jaded, I refuse to be defeated. I'm too strong. I've come too far.
Sometimes things are way too quiet, and all I need to hear is the simple voice of one human being. Other times, I can't enough silence, and that's all I want to imagine.
If you ever find yourself on my side of the world, I hope you'd stop by.
Somehow, I'm going to find my place in this world. Somehow, I'm going to make my mark on this earth.
Hold me for as long as you want, and I'll be hoping you'll want to hold me forever. Hold me as tight as you can, and I'll be hoping you can hold me as tight as your arms will let you.
I can't stand people who don't listen to me. At least try to understand me. At least give me a few words of wisdom when I can't take something anymore.
I've had a boring christmas break so far, and I'm hoping it gets better very soon.
Happy birthday, Jesus. Happy Birthday.
I can hear the voices of life saying, "we're waiting. this is the moment."
Currently wanting: christmas, frappicino, new friendships.