
goodbye 2009.


Stayed single almost the whole year? YES.

Were involved in something you'll never forget? MANY.

Tripped over a coffee table? HAHA, PROBABLY.

Came close to losing your life? I DON'T THINK SOO.

Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? NO, I WISH.

2009: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year? YEP (:

Did you hate anyone? YES.

2009: Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake? YEAH!

Did you get any presents? I DID.

2009: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year? YEAH, IN A LOT OF WAYS.

Did you change your style? I DON'T KNOW.

Were you in school? YEPPERS.

Did you get good grades? EEEK, NOT REALLY.

Did you drive? SURE DID.

Did you own a car? YES.

Did anyone close to you give birth? NO.

Did you go on any vacations? NOT REALLY. :(

Would you change anything about yourself now? NO WAY.

2009: Wrap UP:

Was 2009 a good year? OVERALL (:

Do you think 2010 will top 2009? YEAH, I HOPE SO.


Had your heart broken? NOPE.

Painted a picture? DON'T THINK SO.

Wrote a poem? YEAH.

Ran a mile? HECK NOO!

Visited a foreign country? NOPE.

Cut in a line of waiting people? HA, MOST LIKELY.

Told someone you were busy when you weren't? YEAH.

Cooked a disastrous meal? NOT REALLY.

Lied about how old you were? I DON'T THINK?

IN 2009 I....

Broke a promise? YES.

Lied? YES.

Disappointed someone close? PROBABLY. :(

Hid a secret? YES.

Pretended to be happy? YAHHH.

Slept under the stars? NOT NECCESSARILY.

Met someone who changed your life? MANY.

Changed your outlook on life? SOOO MUCH.

Sat home all day doing nothing? YEAH, I HATE THAT.

Lost something expensive? NOPE.

Learned something new about yourself? MANY THINGS.

Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? YEAH.

Made a change in your life? MANY.

Found out who your true friends were? YES!

Met great people? YEAH :)

Stayed up til sunrise? I HAVE.

Cried over the silliest thing? HA, A FEW TIMES.

Had friends who were drifting away from you? OH YES.

Spent most of your money on food? A LOT OF IT, AHA.

Gotten sick? MHM.

Liked more than 5 people at the same time? NOPE.

Became closer with a lot of people? YES!

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