We all have different perspectives. Obviously. But seriously, we have to remember this. It's something that's so cliche but so easy to forget.
Also, why is it so easy to remember the bad things, yet so hard to remember the good? It's like something imprinted in our minds.
I've found answers to many problems I've been contemplating about lately. I can't believe it's all starting to make sense again, and slowly fall back into place. You know, like when the wind picks a leaf off their tree, causing it to slowly spiral down and then finally hit the ground?
It's like life.
Sometimes problems pick you up from your comfort zone, and send you on a whirlwind. But eventually, you will hit the ground, and know exactly why things happen.
That's a good analogy.
I like metaphors for life. Sometimes, ironically, they make so much more sense.
I love the fact that I have choices. If you haven't read my "choices" post, that probably doesn't make much sense. PLEASE read it! It's very important to me.
Have you noticed I now have a search bar? On the right hand side, close to the top. You can search any words that may be in my blog somewhere, or subjects I've written about. If you don't use it, fine. I don't really have a need for it. It's just a cool little gliche I thought I'd add. Ha.
Let's have a deep conversation. :)