Honestly, I'm not feeling inspired and my head is clouded. I wasn't feeling sleep-deprived until I got home from school, which I guess is good.
Thoughts are running through my mind. I see a lot of things. I'm seeing the true reality of life. I'm seeing there's more to life than I originally thought. And what most think. I'm starting to see the big picture. I'm starting to see that no matter what happens, we are still living and capable of a good life. Everyone's definition of a "good life" is totally different. Perceptions are always based on the individual. It's so odd. How we all look at things. I could look at the sky and see blue. And you could look at the sky and see a totally different color. It's something we will never know for sure. Humans are so afraid of things they are unsure of. Especially with technology advancing as fast as it is. We feel like we know all of the answers. And the things we don't know, we are very curious about, yet there's some fear in there too. We know things people never even imagined 100 years ago, or even way shorter than that.
I remember seeing sci-fi "futuristic" movies. I'm starting to think the earth and technology is actually a lot like those movies. We are capable of doing so many things, things that you don't even know about.
That was a long paragraph, and I'm sure if I saw that, I would skim through it and not bother reading it all. While I'm on this topic...
All humans want one thing. To be loved. Every one of us long for that. We want to feel safe & to be loved.
We are more similiar than you think. We're all the same. Not one of us better than the homeless man sitting next to us on the public bus. We're equal.
The people who live their lives with hatred, need the most love. Because those who live their lives with hostility are the ones who are searching for the most love.
I am happy today, because I feel it was a good day. For once, semi-good school day.
I got a text today that instantly made me smile. I love those kind of texts. It says:
"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I'm glad that I have you in my life."
Wow. How simple, yet powerful. Everyone needs to hear that every so often. This person is one of the most amazing people. I know so many of those kinds of people. & for that, I'm so thankful. This person truly holds a special part of my heart. I feel like they are one of the best friends I have ever had, or maybe even the best. Thank you to the people I will never be able to tell how much they truly mean to me.
In return to that text, I said I love you too and I hope you will always be in my life, or something along those lines.
The returned text after that said, "i will, forever."
Forever. That's unconditional love. I'm never letting that kind of love go. I can't. Too many people are close-minded and selfish. And I just need the people who love me, because they are truly, honestly, the best people I've ever met. It's awesome having someone that will accept everything you do and say with ease, and be there to help you whenever you need it. I'm building a support system more and more.
if there's one thing i'm absolutely sure of, i'm going to reach my goals and be happy...
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