well, things are interesting and people are interesting, and this whole world is just interesting.
currently listening to: pretend by secondhand serenade
he creates the most relaxing music.
i don't understand why or how i'm feeling the way i am.
i just want someone. i feel like talking to somebody. who won't hang on every word i say, or judge anything i say. i love the kind of people who you can be silent with. you know you're comfortable around someone if you can say absolutely nothing around them and not feel awkward. i have that with a few people. it's kind of cool. a deeper level of friendship.
i want to face my fears, but i'm not really sure what they are. i think i'm really doing a good job in my life. a few aspects need to be changed. for example, i'm not a serious person. i want to work on people taking me more seriously, because i'm always, well a lot of times, joking around. i don't show my other side often. it's like that's all i know how to be. i feel like a different person now though. i really do. maybe i'm growing up. or perhaps i'm just changing into the person i've become. i'm not sure.
i'm going to work on killing people with kindness. when someone is mean or rude to me, i'm going to be extremely nice back. i'm a nice person, just sometimes i say exactly what's on my mind. i'm not the kind of person who likes hiding how i'm feeling. been there. done that. and it didn't work out good. i learn from my mistakes. always. i try not to make the same mistake twice. it's sort of ignorant.
if you think i'm the type of person who can let you go without saying goodbye...you're wrong. if i love you, i basically always, always will. and i have a hard time turning my head away from someone i care about. people are very important to me. very much so.
i love the feeling of relaxation, with no worries. i love the feeling of tiredness when it's early. so you can wake up rested. but i also like the feeling of being energetic at night. i'm a night person for sure. i'm not in a bad mood in the morning. but nights are when i get my energy usually. since school started, i've been tired ALL THE TIME, which sucks. eh.
it's 8:00 and i'm soooo tired. i'm going to attempt to go to sleep. yeah right. keyword: attempt. hey, i'll have a little faith. let me say this instead. i will go to sleep early.
one more thing...silence is golden.
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