
we escape from the windows, never look back,

F.F. (fun fact): This above picture is my background on my laptop!
I love it. It reminds me I have a whole life before me. I have opportunities lurking around every corner. It reminds me of the beauty in the world we sometimes miss. Yes, I got all of that from a simple picture. That's where inspiration comes into play!

Well, even though things have been a bit rocky, I've found my ground. I've found a way to be happy today, overall. Even though I do sort of wish things were different.

Currently listening to: Break out, break out (acoustic) by All Time Low

I was told today, maybe in different words, "you seem like a girl who has her head on straight, who knows what she wants, and who knows everything about life. You seem like the kind of girl that doesn't let things get to her." by an adult in my school that I have a lot of respect for now. Not just because she said that. I am so glad to hear that, I love to be understood. I said, "Well, I'm sure there's a lot I don't know." And there is. I have a lot of things figured out. I don't let things bother me for the most part. Sometimes I can't help it, but generally I am optimistic and look past the negativity. It improves your life so much.

I don't want to see anyone drift away from me. It's like I'm on an island, where we were once so perfectly happy together. And this person is leaving slowly on a boat, just floating away. There's nothing I can do to pull it back, all I can do is watch it float away and wish it would sail back to where it used to be.
I like change. Yeah. But when things are going so well,and then all of the sudden it stops...it leaves me to wonder. Questioning things. Contemplation is the highest form of activity, that's true.

This past weekend was fun. It was swell.
Saturday is my road test date. Yayyyy.

i've been in situations where i care way too much. i wish i didn't because it causes more heartbreak than anything...i am realizing i don't care what people think of me anymore. i do what i want without caring if they are judging me. i'm living for myself and for god. that's all that matters. i can truly say now, i'm content with where i am. i can say that things are changing, i'm changing. i'm learning what love really entails, and life is different than i originally thought. it's all about your mindset.

love ♥

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