I've found life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. I'm fully convinced of this.
"When we focus on what we see, we lose sight of what we feel. When we focus on what we hear, we lose sight of our thoughts. And when we focus on what's going on around us, we forget our dreams. Sometimes all we need is ourselves."
Sometimes I just breathe, and I think about how all the small things don't matter. I realiz
Sometimes I just breathe, and I think about how all the small things don't matter. I realiz
I'm beyond astonished with this world. I'm happy people come to me for advice, it shows a lot to me. That they trust me and I can help them in some sort of way. But when will the favor be returned? I don't have all the answers. Sure, I've been through a lot of situations and I understand a lot of things, but I don't know soo, so much. I'm helpless at times. I find comfort in what people can't explain. I find myself lost in words, lost in photographs. I see myself in a reflection and I see more than a reflection, I see a deep person and I see a life filled with memories. Looking back on my past, I feel lucky. I could sit here listening to acoustic music and reminisce on all of my memories, and words truly fail to explain... truly.
I never thought the feelings I have now exist. And it's a good thing. It proves I'm ALIVE.
I have lungs and the capacity to carry on no matter what. The clouds I see, no problem can compare to the beauty I see. The country sky, the raindrops on my face. Nothing can hurt me in the longrun. Nothing matters but living life to its fullest. It makes problems non-existent< It makes me want to do whatever my heart desires and not holding back at all.I know something is out there. I KNOW with all of my heart this life isn't for nothing. I know God is out there as much as I EVER have. I feel his presence, I know he's there more than I know I'm typing on this computer. All of this is not possible without Him. The fact that I'm living, I'm breathing, I'm elements put together, and I'm THINKING, that's enough to completely amaze and confuse me. It's all a divine chaos.
Let's run away. Forget where we came from. Just run, never look back. To a place that will accept us with open arms..
Life is hard, I know. It's really complicated. Yet so simple. Single-handedly, it's all about the mindset you have.
I can't watch anyone else linger away from myself...
I may be different, and you may look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about, but you don't see what I see. You can't appreciate the wind simply blowing like I can. You don't see that life isn't so bad. You don't feel the same feelings I feel by being alive. It's enough just to feel the wind blow through my hair. To know I appreciate my life. I don't see the negativity anymore. I just see contentment.
love. ♥
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