
Things learned & such.

I told you I wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
I'm hoping I will never have to break that promise.

Nature Pictures, Images and Photos

Someone told me today, "No one will ever understand you, Corbin."
Maybe that's the truth. But I don't think anyone will every completely understand anyone else. Even themselves.
Maybe you won't ever even know who I am at all. That's okay. I choose to open up at full to few people. Maybe you will never get the chance to hear what I really have to say. That's okay too. I know who I am, and really, if you choose to not see through my mistakes...well, who's at fault here? Who's looking ignorant now?
Anyway, I don't blame them for telling me that. It's the complete truth. I'm a complex person. To be honest, I'll never understand you either. But I'm willing to find out more about you.
nature Pictures, Images and Photos

I currently want: Book, "Nights in Rodanthe" by Nicholas Sparks.
He's so amazing <3

I have learned recently... (this is going to be a reaccuring section on every one of my blogs.)
Sometimes the people who are closest to you feel the worst about you. Sometimes the people you think you know, know the least about you.
I found out who I can trust lately. Family member(s) too. Which in my opinion, is worse than finding out you can't trust your friends. Family should be there for you all the more, ya know?

Life is short. Too short sometimes, too long it seems at times. But overall, this life is perfect timing to do with everything.

I'm promising you right now I'm putting some of my photography on here soon. I will get to it. Ah, maybe if I keep saying that I'll actually believe it.
I'm so ammature. Like, most of the pictures I take are taken with my cell phone. No editing, no special lighting. I guess you just have to try to see the art in them.
Cuz I truly believe there's art in everything.

Something else I've discovered... I'm so non-judgemental. That's actually a good quality I see in myself. I will help anyone, I don't care if I don't agree with who you are. I'll still be a friend to you, offer advice even though I'm by far not an expert at any problem.

I've written a lot today. I guess there's a lot on my mind, and I have a lot to say.

I've never said this, even to myself. I avoid it at all costs. But...I'm not super strong. I can't avoid all negative feelings. Things do eventually affect me. Truth be told: I'm a strong person. I am. But I'm not a complete stone. No. Not yet.

nature Pictures, Images and Photos
I seemed to lose control of the bitterness you left
And now I can't even think,
Because everthing's a mess.
It all came crashing down on me,
like the wave pulling you under.
I can't even begin to see,
Past this storming thunder.

I wrote that in about 20 seconds. I'm basically being completely literal too.

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Perhaps you should wish me the same. Because this week should be, to say the least, "interesting".


1 comment:

  1. ur a really good writer. u dont think u r but u r.
    i love ur blog!
    ur seriosly the most genuine person eva. lol.


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